Pledge campaign countdown has begun…less than 2 weeks to go to D-Day!
As a ‘fan’ of 7shades (which presumably you are if you’re bothering to read this blog), you’d have to have been living under an internet rock not to have noticed my emails or Facebook & Twitter posts about the Pledge Campaign that is currently running to try and fund our upcoming 3rd album ‘The Monumental Midden’, I guess, so this post is just intended as a friendly reminder that there are only *11 DAYS TO GO* until it will be too late to pledge for anything, and your opportunity to own one of the wonderful exclusive items that we have on offer will have passed you by…
Not to mention if you do pledge, you get access to all the lovely exclusive content that we have put on the Pledge Music website, including a video just uploaded entitled ‘Kidneys (granular)’…
So, if you are intending to pledge, please put me out of my misery, I don’t know if I can bear the tension!
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